Featured Projects

Genre: Drama

An urban love story set in the EMS world of New York from the eyes of Ela, a mysterious and lonely Middle Eastern immigrant, who recently became an EMT.  +

Amy Lee, The Last Princess Of The Korean Empire
Genre: Documentary

Amy Lee, the last princess of the Korean Empire, lives a solitary life in New York, and speaks about the lives of the final Korean Royal Family and real value of freedom.  +

Fukushima Now
Genre: Documentary

FUKUSHIMA NOW is an interdisciplinary Film/VR documentary about the 2011 Fukushima accident on its 10th anniversary.  +

Tree Hunter: Portrait of an American Artist
Genre: Documentary

 Self taught artist and naturalist, Dennis Downes, creates art that reveals our deep connections to the land and travels the country to protect the last ancient   +

Our Daughters
Genre: Documentary

For the sake of their twin daughters, an Indian adoptive mother and a white birth mother venture into uncharted territory with an open adoption, crossing racial and cultural lines.  +

Genre: Documentary

DISPLACED is a neglected history of Lithuanian emigration and Russian oppression.  After WWII, many Eastern Europeans prepared to flee the Soviet Union with its expanding web  +

City of Songs
Genre: Documentary

A musician’s extraordinary journey to explore and understand the unique sounds of the world, one city at a time.  +

She Is Syria
Genre: Documentary

She Is Syria is a documentary that follows the journeys of Syrian refugee women and girls who are rebuilding their lives after escaping war.  +

Genre: Drama

Two unlikely childhood friends navigate their increasingly fragile and uncertain world as rumours of war and deportation loom over their lives and relationship.  +

Hampas Dugo
Genre: Documentary

Ruben Enaje, a man locally well-known for his portrayals of Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion, reflects on the twilight of his 30-year long ritual, while facing a shifting spiritual  +

School District
Genre: Documentary

Filmed fly-on-the-wall throughout the 2020-2021 academic year, School District chronicles Connecticut’s  +

El Sistema USA
Genre: Documentary

El Sistema USA is a feature documentary that is tracking a handful of kids in a diverse, impoverished community in West Philadelphia as they participate in Play On, Philly, a classical  +

Dream Boy
Genre: Student Film

After a curious dream, a rosy-lensed yet romance-oblivious girl mistakenly takes an analytical approach in discovering the identity of her secret admirer.  +

To Live
Genre: Documentary

Spurred by her own desire to feel whole, a young filmmaker rushes against time to capture her grandmother’s life in a small village in Belarus when family secrets begin to  +

Domestic Bliss
Genre: Comedy

Two exes are locked in a hilarious battle for their former apartment, highlighting the economic pressure most tenants face today.  +

Stormy Feathers
Genre: Comedy

Venus mandates a mission to save romance as a young man navigates grief. Will romance be restored? Prepare your wings, it's time to fly!  +

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