Featured Projects

Umi -The Sea-
Genre: Drama

After a tsunami devastate Northern Japan, a spared fisherman learns how to dive to search for the remains of his missing wife but a freak diving accident forces him to reconcile  +

Amy Lee, The Last Princess Of The Korean Empire
Genre: Documentary

Amy Lee, the last princess of the Korean Empire, lives a solitary life in New York, and speaks about the lives of the final Korean Royal Family and real value of freedom.  +

Our Daughters
Genre: Documentary

For the sake of their twin daughters, an Indian adoptive mother and a white birth mother venture into uncharted territory with an open adoption, crossing racial and cultural lines.  +

Genre: Documentary

DISPLACED is a neglected history of Lithuanian emigration and Russian oppression.  After WWII, many Eastern Europeans prepared to flee the Soviet Union with its expanding web  +

Brought to Life: A Documentary about Colour Revolt
Genre: Documentary

A documentary examining Colour Revolt, indie rock’s best-kept secret, and the process of building a life from dreams that don’t go as planned.  +

Genre: Documentary

“The Janes” is the story of an underground network of women who banded together to provide safe, affordable and illegal abortions in the late 1960s and early 70s in  +

Ayahuasca Diaries
Genre: Documentary

Ayahuasca Diaries, made with Amazonian tribes and contemporary scientists, is a film about an elixir transforming personal lives and world culture.  +

Genre: Documentary

A film about Philip Glass, Robert Wilson, Einstein on the Beach, and the connection between physics, opera, and human imagination.  +

Nourishing Japan
Genre: Documentary

A documentary about food education in Japan; about the people who teach us that our actions - even what we eat - matter.  +

Hawaiian Soul
Genre: Drama

Against the backdrop of the 1970s native rights movement, a young Hawaiian activist must gain the support of an agitated and skeptical group of community elders to aid in  +

I Am An African
Genre: Documentary

A documentary series exploring what it means to be African through the eyes of an African when they are noticed by the world.  +

Lights Camera Uganda
Genre: Documentary

Uganda’s “Tarantino of the slums” Isaac Nabwana overcomes everything to build his action movie studio in the ghetto. Now he faces his biggest challenge yet.  +

Dirty Girl
Genre: Horror

When a sexy night out is interrupted by the worst period of her life, a woman’s walk home quickly spirals into a bloody nightmare.  +

Genre: Drama

A fated mistake leads to a fleeting, chance encounter between a traveler and a reclusive New Yorker. When life takes them in opposite directions, each carries the significance of  +

Super Meditate Me
Genre: Documentary

Can meditation change the world? A skeptic sets out to test the ancient idea that the practice can lead to a radical transformation of consciousness.  +

Radical Generosity
Genre: Documentary

Radical Generosity chronicles the timeless endeavor to subvert the status quo. In a politically-charged climate more divisive than ever, Sharon Richardson and April Tam  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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