Featured Projects

Busy Inside
Genre: Documentary

Professionally treating Dissociative Identity Disorder, a therapist juggles her own seventeen identities in this poetic and artistically offbeat exploration of a much-misunderstood  +

Obsessed with Light:The Genius of Loie Fuller
Genre: Documentary

How could one woman inspire the greatest thinkers and artists of her day such as Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and Auguste Rodin and, more than a century later, influence  +

Salt in Soil
Genre: Student Film

A high-schooler reunites with her grandfather she never knew was alive, and the resurfacing of forgotten memories forces her to confront a dark family secret.  +

Before El Fina
Genre: Drama

A reclusive artist invites life-long friends to her isolated farm and reveals a shocking plan. Before the weekend ends, secrets are sacrificed forcing a devastating choice.  +

Genre: Documentary

At 89, director and choreographer Rhoda Levine seeks to understand her legacy and finds it lives on in the careers of those she has guided.  +

Genre: Documentary

The director's obsession for wild bohemian painter Vali Myers becomes possession and eventually a journey to heal and bloom as woman and artist.  +

Dream Boy
Genre: Student Film

After a curious dream, a rosy-lensed yet romance-oblivious girl mistakenly takes an analytical approach in discovering the identity of her secret admirer.  +

ARUKU ( I Walk )
Genre: Documentary

A soul-searching filmmaker documents chance encounters with fellow pilgrims who set out on a renowned Japanese pilgrimage extant since the 12th century.   +

Woman in the Mirror
Genre: Documentary

A graduate of the prestigious Vaganova Academy and a driven ballerina of Jewish descent, who defected from the Soviet Union, toes her way from being a principal dancer of the Boston  +

Tree Hunter: Portrait of an American Artist
Genre: Documentary

 Our film is a moving story of a tenacious American artist. Dennis Downes, whose life’s work has brought us a deeper understanding of our forgotten indigenous  +

There are Still Wizards
Genre: Documentary

In a world where conservation seems to be a loosing battle, sometimes it is important to look at how far we have come. This is the story of a lifetime of adventures that culminated  +

Genre: Comedy

6 sorority sisters, 5 who are of color, are passively aggressively made into roommates when they join a PWI house. Their longevity depends on whether or not they are able to get  +

Genre: Documentary

An immigrant worker continues to dedicate his life to horses and the sport of polo. Year after year, Mobles’ spirit and work ethic strengthens and enlightens his  +

Limping Towards Babylon
Genre: Comedy

Five graduate student roommates are all secretly in love with the wrong person, until a professor's theft lights the fire that ignites their contained passions.  +

Genre: Documentary

Avant-garde 1920’s and 30’s physicians thrust aside all constraints set by the old scientific and religious guards and launch a global movement, as they carry out  +

All the World's a Stage: Shakespeare and the Invention of Modern Theater
Genre: Documentary

In 1577 London, a new theater, “The Curtain” opens, where a brilliant writer and his literary circle of gay and bisexual playwrights invent modern theater.  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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