Featured Projects

The Dream of the Audience: Theresa Hak Kyung Cha
Genre: Documentary

The film is an intimate remembrance of the groundbreaking artist, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, who through her art practice guides her audience to a state beyond sorrow.   +

Letters from Baghdad
Genre: Documentary

More influential than her colleague Lawrence of Arabia, Gertrude Bell was the most powerful woman in the British Empire, drawing the borders of Iraq, before disappearing from history.  +

Genre: Documentary

Avant-garde 1920’s and 30’s physicians thrust aside all constraints set by the old scientific and religious guards and launch a global movement, as they carry out  +

Busy Inside
Genre: Documentary

Professionally treating Dissociative Identity Disorder, a therapist juggles her own seventeen identities in this poetic and artistically offbeat exploration of a much-misunderstood  +

Genre: Documentary

At 89, director and choreographer Rhoda Levine seeks to understand her legacy and finds it lives on in the careers of those she has guided.  +

Cradle of Champions
Genre: Documentary

Heroes, dreams, heartbreak, and redemption in the mosaic of 2015 urban America: the dramatic three-month urban odyssey of the New York Golden Gloves, the world’s largest,  +

"1 in 100"
Genre: Student Film

A documentary focusing on an overnight camp for children with congenital heart conditions and the soul, love, and community that shapes it.  +

The Rebuilding
Genre: Drama

In the divided America of 2050, the daughter of a charismatic government leader reluctantly embarks on a mission to find the doctor responsible for his untimely death.   +

Take It Slow
Genre: Drama

An inexperienced bisexual man goes on a date with a younger gay man, and finds out that his preconceived notions on gay dating culture don’t stand up to reality.  +

Genre: Drama

In the early 1990’s, three women — a refugee, a video jockey, and the daughter of a famous communist patriarch — form an unlikely friendship and alliance.  +

T-Fred: The Last Frog Hunter
Genre: Documentary

A real-life Boyhood meets Beasts of the Southern Wild. 14 years in the making.  +

Black Privilege. White Power.
Genre: Drama

After graduating high school, a young Smith College student joins up with an activist group to fight for civil rights in the Jim Crow era South and ends up taking part in one of  +

This World is Not My Own
Genre: Documentary

Mythical forest creatures, chewing gum sculptures, handmade dolls, a firebrand wrestler, a Kuwaiti art school for kids, a wealthy arts patron, a century old murder case and the  +

Enjoy Your Visit
Genre: Drama

Kara starts a new job playing an enslaved maid at the historic home of America’s founding father and mother, George and Martha Washington, and uncovers some disturbing truths...  +

Genre: Documentary

GERMAINE JENKINS—urban farmer, activist, and a Black mother—is taking on the power structure in North Charleston, SC, to save her cooperative farm, Fresh Future Farm  +

Genre: Documentary

After being sent to prison at 18 for the rest of his life, Gerald Hankerson met Henry Grisby who raised him into the man he is today. Using the lessons Henry taught him, Gerald  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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