Featured Projects

Fracking the System: Colorado's Oil and Gas Wars
Genre: Documentary

A concerned mother joins grassroots activists to protect her son’s school from oil and gas drilling but the oil and gas industry fights back.  +

The Veto
Genre: Documentary

A film about the permanent member veto in the UN Security Council – arguably the most important issue facing global peace and security.  +

Genre: Documentary

GERMAINE JENKINS—urban farmer, activist, and a Black mother—is taking on the power structure in North Charleston, SC, to save her cooperative farm, Fresh Future Farm  +

Umi -The Sea-
Genre: Drama

After a tsunami devastate Northern Japan, a spared fisherman learns how to dive to search for the remains of his missing wife but a freak diving accident forces him to reconcile  +

Genre: Documentary

A talented group of orphaned children in Swaziland dive into their imaginations to create an original African tale about a girl on a dangerous quest.  +

The Dream of the Audience: Theresa Hak Kyung Cha
Genre: Documentary

The film is an intimate remembrance of the groundbreaking artist, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, who through her art practice guides her audience to a state beyond sorrow.   +

Two Gods
Genre: Documentary

Two Gods is the story of a man in Newark who, after turning his life around, has found meaning and purpose in his Muslim faith and work as a mortician.  +

MOVE: The Tragedy of Philadelphia
Genre: Documentary

MOVE is an in-depth exploration of the first known government organised attack on American soil, the bombing of the black liberation group Move in 1985 in the city of Philadelphia.  +

Genre: Documentary

The insidious nature of post-traumatic stress, and the complex question of how it's healed, is explored through the personal journeys of three American combat veterans from  +

Mass Romantic
Genre: Documentary

When filmmakers and scholars race against time to save 20,000 Indian films from extinction, they reveal how culture is lost—and found—in the digital age.  +

Genre: Documentary

#UNFIT is a feature-length documentary film in which medical doctors, mental health professionals and leading Republican influencers go on the record,  +

Our Daughters
Genre: Documentary

For the sake of their twin daughters, an Indian adoptive mother and a white birth mother venture into uncharted territory with an open adoption, crossing racial and cultural lines.  +

To Live
Genre: Documentary

Spurred by her own desire to feel whole, a young filmmaker rushes against time to capture her grandmother’s life in a small village in Belarus when family secrets begin to  +

Letters from Baghdad
Genre: Documentary

More influential than her colleague Lawrence of Arabia, Gertrude Bell was the most powerful woman in the British Empire, drawing the borders of Iraq, before disappearing from history.  +

Genre: Documentary

QUEST is a portrait of an American Family living in North Philadelphia captured over the course of ten years.  +

The Universe(s) of Us
Genre: Drama

When New Yorkers Sophie and Jill/Daniel crash into one another simultaneously (but separately), a multiverse love story emerges that changes each of them forever.  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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