Featured Projects

Beauford Delaney: So Splendid A Journey
Genre: Documentary

An Artist’s Life, From Tennessee to Paris, through Harlem. Paranoia, poverty, sexual conflicts, voices in his head, yet he was driven to create great art.  +

Shelter Me
Genre: Drama

A young woman fleeing a domestic abuse situation becomes ensnared in a homicide investigation that threatens both herself and a young child she has befriended.  +

Limping Towards Babylon
Genre: Comedy

Five graduate student roommates are all secretly in love with the wrong person, until a professor's theft lights the fire that ignites their contained passions.  +

Genre: Documentary

#UNFIT is a feature-length documentary film in which medical doctors, mental health professionals and leading Republican influencers go on the record,  +

Genre: Drama

An urban love story set in the EMS world of New York from the eyes of Ela, a mysterious and lonely Middle Eastern immigrant, who recently became an EMT.  +

Floating Daisies
Genre: Drama

As the anniversary of her sister's death approaches, Charlie is unexpectedly confronted by her estranged mother's sudden reappearance, igniting a turbulent journey of confronting  +

Women's World
Genre: Documentary

Bringing to life the legacy of San Francisco Chinatown’s nightclub era, a group of senior Chinese American dancers hit the road, bridging once isolated Chinese-speaking worlds.  +

Genre: Documentary

A documentary profiling John Payne, who created interactive works of lasting impact, transformed his town into an artist’s haven that now faces a complicated future.  +

Yankee Restraint
Genre: Documentary

Consumed by years of mounting debt, Craig and Philip descend into addiction, depression and despair. With the veneer of their picture-perfect life now stripped away, the couple  +

Our Daughters
Genre: Documentary

For the sake of their twin daughters, an Indian adoptive mother and a white birth mother venture into uncharted territory with an open adoption, crossing racial and cultural lines.  +

The Money or The jag
Genre: Drama

In The Money or The Jag a correction officer and prison inmate battle for dominance and autonomy inside a prison controlled by the inmates.  +

Cradle of Champions
Genre: Documentary

Heroes, dreams, heartbreak, and redemption in the mosaic of 2015 urban America: the dramatic three-month urban odyssey of the New York Golden Gloves, the world’s largest,  +

Genre: Experimental

Waves is a journey into the physiological effects of anxiety explored through magical realism.   +

Dear Anna Olson
Genre: Drama

Dear Anna Olson is a parable of how small, positive actions can have a profound impact on a person’s life.  +

Genre: Science Fiction

A young physicist must navigate working at a teleportation tech startup, as well as survive the mysterious being from another world she has brought into our own.  +

The Veto
Genre: Documentary

A film about the permanent member veto in the UN Security Council – arguably the most important issue facing global peace and security.  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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