Featured Projects

Genre: Documentary

DISPLACED is a neglected history of Lithuanian emigration and Russian oppression.  After WWII, many Eastern Europeans prepared to flee the Soviet Union with its expanding web  +

Genre: Documentary

No Arms-No Legs-No Limits! Her life seemed over before it even began, when bullying and sexual abuse screamed for suicide. What one remarkable woman can teach us  +

Amy Lee, The Last Princess Of The Korean Empire
Genre: Documentary

Amy Lee, the last princess of the Korean Empire, lives a solitary life in New York, and speaks about the lives of the final Korean Royal Family and real value of freedom.  +

Heart of Lumber
Genre: Comedy

Raised by a cult of talking antique furniture, Sadie’s life changes the day she makes her first friend.  +

Genre: Science Fiction

A young physicist must navigate working at a teleportation tech startup, as well as survive the mysterious being from another world she has brought into our own.  +

Genre: Drama

Trapped and alone, a young man must confront the pain he's endured when he finds himself face-to-face with consequence.  +

There are Still Wizards
Genre: Documentary

In a world where conservation seems to be a loosing battle, sometimes it is important to look at how far we have come. This is the story of a lifetime of adventures that culminated  +

Asta's Journey
Genre: Drama

A young girl discovers that the fairytale creatures and stories from her childhood are real as she struggles to help save a new friend. Strength, courage, and faith are needed if  +

The American Can
Genre: Drama

Based on a true story in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, a disillusioned Marine veteran John Keller must confront his inner demons and a racial standoff, to save people trapped  +

Two Gods
Genre: Documentary

Two Gods is the story of a man in Newark who, after turning his life around, has found meaning and purpose in his Muslim faith and work as a mortician.  +

That White Horse Will Take Me Away
Genre: Student Film

A young woman may be suffering from a manic episode, a man may have stolen something that did not belong to him, an act of violence may occur, everything is in disorder.  +

Genre: Documentary

“The Janes” is the story of an underground network of women who banded together to provide safe, affordable and illegal abortions in the late 1960s and early 70s in  +

Dream Touch Believe
Genre: Documentary

The inspiring story of sculptor Michael Naranjo. As a young man Naranjo lost his eyesight in the Vietnam War, but not his vision. He fought past critics and a disability to achieve  +

The Long Walk of Carlos Guerrero
Genre: Drama

The odyssey of survival of an undocumented New York city chef and a young girl from El Salvador, after they get stranded in the deserts of Arizona.  +

Hawaiian Soul
Genre: Drama

Against the backdrop of the 1970s native rights movement, a young Hawaiian activist must gain the support of an agitated and skeptical group of community elders to aid in  +

Miss Mermaid
Genre: Drama

May travels from Taipei to New York and discovers a secret life her sister has been keeping from her and their distanced mother.  +

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