Featured Projects

Send a Voice
Genre: Documentary

A young Lakota mother fights to do the best she can for her children in this poetic meditation on motherhood, trauma, and healing.  +

Nourishing Japan
Genre: Documentary

A documentary about food education in Japan; about the people who teach us that our actions - even what we eat - matter.  +

Fracking the System: Colorado's Oil and Gas Wars
Genre: Documentary

A concerned mother joins grassroots activists to protect her son’s school from oil and gas drilling but the oil and gas industry fights back.  +

Genre: Drama

When a dutiful woman from a socially conservative, religious family discovers that her child is questioning their gender, she must decide in a matter of moments what kind of mother  +

Genre: Drama

Buried, a hybrid narrative and experimental film, explores the physical and surreal surrounding work burnout, stress and rage.  +

Becoming a Man in 127 EASY Steps
Genre: Experimental

Becoming a Man in 127 EASY Steps is a filmed interpretation of Scott Turner Schofield’s transgender performance piece embodying the experience of becoming a man.  +

Umi -The Sea-
Genre: Drama

After a tsunami devastate Northern Japan, a spared fisherman learns how to dive to search for the remains of his missing wife but a freak diving accident forces him to reconcile  +

Drop Dead City
Genre: Documentary

NYC, 1975 - the greatest, grittiest city in the world is minutes away from bankruptcy when an unlikely alliance of rookies, rivals, fixers and flexers finds common ground,  +

This Joyless Place
Genre: Student Film

A rebellious young woman starts volunteering at a hospice and develops a deep friendship with an eccentric patient with terminal lung cancer.  +

Hearts Want
Genre: Drama

Two former lovers who reunite for a play by their terminally-ill mentor face the consequences of a secret that could change their lives forever.  +

T-Fred: The Last Frog Hunter
Genre: Documentary

A real-life Boyhood meets Beasts of the Southern Wild. 14 years in the making.  +

Genre: Documentary

Avant-garde 1920’s and 30’s physicians thrust aside all constraints set by the old scientific and religious guards and launch a global movement, as they carry out  +

White Tears
Genre: Drama

An emotionally distraught woman helps out a stranger who may not be the victim she first appeared to be. WHEN GOOD DEEDS GO DEAD WRONG  +

Genre: Documentary

A talented group of orphaned children in Swaziland dive into their imaginations to create an original African tale about a girl on a dangerous quest.  +

All the World's a Stage: Shakespeare and the Invention of Modern Theater
Genre: Documentary

In 1577 London, a new theater, “The Curtain” opens, where a brilliant writer and his literary circle of gay and bisexual playwrights invent modern theater.  +

Singing Up the Past
Genre: Documentary

Holocaust survivor Guta Goldstein and the songs that have sustained her.Our fundraising goal is for post production and outreach. Please help Guta's incredible and timely  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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