Featured Projects

Choice Neighborhood (working title)
Genre: Documentary

Choice Neighborhood focuses on the dynamics that emerge between people as a city leverages significant public and private dollars to transform a struggling neighborhood.  +

Genre: Horror

Four strangers are being hunted by the same demon. They must find each other before the fiend finds them.  +

The Money or The jag
Genre: Drama

In The Money or The Jag a correction officer and prison inmate battle for dominance and autonomy inside a prison controlled by the inmates.  +

Genre: Drama

A unique predicament erupts between best friends, one gay and one straight, as their deeply co-dependent relationship splinters when a woman comes between them.  +

Genre: Documentary

A two part film about the legacy of the Holocaust in the Balkans as seen through the eyes of a group of Sephardic Jews from New York with roots in Bulgaria and Greece.Part  +

Genre: Documentary

A groundbreaking point-of-view journey into a non-fluent speaker's world. 14 year old Emma challenges societal judgement surrounding autism... one keystroke at a time.  +

An Unruly Faith
Genre: Documentary

A young, devout activist challenges the male hierarchy of the Mormon Church by invigorating a movement to ordain women to the priesthood, and upon being exiled as a heretic, rocks  +

I Am An African
Genre: Documentary

A documentary series exploring what it means to be African through the eyes of an African when they are noticed by the world.  +

Send a Voice
Genre: Documentary

A young Lakota mother fights to do the best she can for her children in this poetic meditation on motherhood, trauma, and healing.  +

Conversation with the Cosmos
Genre: Documentary

From the origin of spacetime to the Puerto Rican hills, come explore the invisible worlds of the Arecibo Observatory, the biggest radiotelescope on Earth.  +

Where the Boys Are
Genre: Drama

A lonely technician and curious night janitor at a virtual reality brothel circle around the facility and each other as they face the alienation of a world beginning to embrace  +

Genre: Horror

An obsessively tidy man battles the ghost who inhabits his new apartment for control of their shared home… and how it will be decorated.  +

Yankee Restraint
Genre: Documentary

Consumed by years of mounting debt, Craig and Philip descend into addiction, depression and despair. With the veneer of their picture-perfect life now stripped away, the couple  +

El Sistema USA
Genre: Documentary

El Sistema USA is a feature documentary that is tracking a handful of kids in a diverse, impoverished community in West Philadelphia as they participate in Play On, Philly, a classical  +

Genre: Drama

Two unlikely childhood friends navigate their increasingly fragile and uncertain world as rumours of war and deportation loom over their lives and relationship.  +

Lights Camera Uganda
Genre: Documentary

Uganda’s “Tarantino of the slums” Isaac Nabwana overcomes everything to build his action movie studio in the ghetto. Now he faces his biggest challenge yet.  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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