Featured Projects

Genre: Horror

An obsessively tidy man battles the ghost who inhabits his new apartment for control of their shared home… and how it will be decorated.  +

Nam June Paik & TV Lab: License to Create
Genre: Documentary

Video art becomes a world-wide phenomenon, portable video documentaries change broadcast television, experimental drama and diverse, ethnic voices influence new generations though  +

Royal Secrets: Resort & Casino
Genre: Student Film

ULEE, a past his prime wannabe casanova, roams a Caribbean singles resort seeking one last shot at love.  +

An Unruly Faith
Genre: Documentary

A young, devout activist challenges the male hierarchy of the Mormon Church by invigorating a movement to ordain women to the priesthood, and upon being exiled as a heretic, rocks  +

Our Daughters
Genre: Documentary

For the sake of their twin daughters, an Indian adoptive mother and a white birth mother venture into uncharted territory with an open adoption, crossing racial and cultural lines.  +

Hampas Dugo
Genre: Documentary

Ruben Enaje, a man locally well-known for his portrayals of Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion, reflects on the twilight of his 30-year long ritual, while facing a shifting spiritual  +

Dream Boy
Genre: Student Film

After a curious dream, a rosy-lensed yet romance-oblivious girl mistakenly takes an analytical approach in discovering the identity of her secret admirer.  +

White Tears
Genre: Drama

An emotionally distraught woman helps out a stranger who may not be the victim she first appeared to be. WHEN GOOD DEEDS GO DEAD WRONG  +

Baltimore 100 Years
Genre: Documentary

The transformation of urban America over the last century reveals hard truths, and reasons for hope, through stories from the often misunderstood city of Baltimore.  +

Estamos Unidos
Genre: Documentary

Hundreds of Central American migrants form a “caravan” and must navigate the pains and joys of unity along an arduous journey across Mexico and towards the United States.  +

The Money or The jag
Genre: Drama

In The Money or The Jag a correction officer and prison inmate battle for dominance and autonomy inside a prison controlled by the inmates.  +

Umi -The Sea-
Genre: Drama

After a tsunami devastate Northern Japan, a spared fisherman learns how to dive to search for the remains of his missing wife but a freak diving accident forces him to reconcile  +

This Joyless Place
Genre: Student Film

A rebellious young woman starts volunteering at a hospice and develops a deep friendship with an eccentric patient with terminal lung cancer.  +

The Animated Mind of Oliver Sacks
Genre: Documentary

The Animated Mind of Oliver Sacks is a journey into the mind and work of world-renowned neurologist and author Dr. Oliver Sacks, one of the most fascinating figures and  +

Genre: Documentary

Immerse is an online magazine designed to spark creative discussion of emerging nonfiction storytelling and dedicated to creating a more inculsive media landscape.  +

Yankee Restraint
Genre: Documentary

Consumed by years of mounting debt, Craig and Philip descend into addiction, depression and despair. With the veneer of their picture-perfect life now stripped away, the couple  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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