Featured Projects

Genre: Documentary

A groundbreaking point-of-view journey into a non-fluent speaker's world. 14 year old Emma challenges societal judgement surrounding autism... one keystroke at a time.  +

Genre: Drama

In the unforgiving night of the Bronx’s heroin epidemic, a twin seeks revenge against the street dealers he blames for his brother’s overdose.  +

Brought to Life: A Documentary about Colour Revolt
Genre: Documentary

A documentary examining Colour Revolt, indie rock’s best-kept secret, and the process of building a life from dreams that don’t go as planned.  +

Obsessed with Light:The Genius of Loie Fuller
Genre: Documentary

How could one woman inspire the greatest thinkers and artists of her day such as Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and Auguste Rodin and, more than a century later, influence  +

Genre: Science Fiction

Bodegas is a sci-fi film, about sisters feuding over the future of their designer drug cartel, when a portal to an alternate universe is discovered.  +

Choice Neighborhood (working title)
Genre: Documentary

Choice Neighborhood focuses on the dynamics that emerge between people as a city leverages significant public and private dollars to transform a struggling neighborhood.  +

Genre: Experimental

Waves is a journey into the physiological effects of anxiety explored through magical realism.   +

Dear Anna Olson
Genre: Drama

Dear Anna Olson is a parable of how small, positive actions can have a profound impact on a person’s life.  +

Becoming a Man in 127 EASY Steps
Genre: Experimental

Becoming a Man in 127 EASY Steps is a filmed interpretation of Scott Turner Schofield’s transgender performance piece embodying the experience of becoming a man.  +

"1 in 100"
Genre: Student Film

A documentary focusing on an overnight camp for children with congenital heart conditions and the soul, love, and community that shapes it.  +

Radical Generosity
Genre: Documentary

Radical Generosity chronicles the timeless endeavor to subvert the status quo. In a politically-charged climate more divisive than ever, Sharon Richardson and April Tam  +

T-Fred: The Last Frog Hunter
Genre: Documentary

A real-life Boyhood meets Beasts of the Southern Wild. 14 years in the making.  +

Genre: Documentary

CHECKMATE (Formerly Corrupting the Earth) A documentary project on the geopolitical games of power play between Iran and the West and the innocent people caught in the crossfire.<  +

Baltimore 100 Years
Genre: Documentary

The transformation of urban America over the last century reveals hard truths, and reasons for hope, through stories from the often misunderstood city of Baltimore.  +

An Unfinished Song
Genre: Documentary

Concerned with music, collective memory, and the shelf life of justice, this film is both a meditation on the soul of the Nueva Cancíon folk movement of 1960s Chile and  +

Genre: Documentary

In “Little Haiti” Brooklyn a teenager challenges the ‘Angry Black Woman’ trope through charged poetry that ignites a quest for intergenerational healing  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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