Featured Projects

Brought to Life: A Documentary about Colour Revolt
Genre: Documentary

A documentary examining Colour Revolt, indie rock’s best-kept secret, and the process of building a life from dreams that don’t go as planned.  +

End of the Line
Genre: Documentary

END OF THE LINE - a feature-length documentary - is a character-driven political drama about the New York City subway crisis and a long overdue reckoning on infrastructure. Filmed  +

Fracking the System: Colorado's Oil and Gas Wars
Genre: Documentary

A concerned mother joins grassroots activists to protect her son’s school from oil and gas drilling but the oil and gas industry fights back.  +

Heart of Lumber
Genre: Comedy

Raised by a cult of talking antique furniture, Sadie’s life changes the day she makes her first friend.  +

Genre: Drama

Buried, a hybrid narrative and experimental film, explores the physical and surreal surrounding work burnout, stress and rage.  +

The Chemical Factory
Genre: Documentary

While reminiscing about childhood in 1980's Oregon, Andrew Leung faces cultural divide through the story of his mother's struggle in 1960's communist China.  +

Genre: Documentary

While he endures the longest strike in Alabama history, coal miner Braxton Wright starts working in an Amazon facility and teams up with workers to unionize it. ‘American  +

Send a Voice
Genre: Documentary

A young Lakota mother fights to do the best she can for her children in this poetic meditation on motherhood, trauma, and healing.  +

Genre: Documentary

The untold story of Anna Rosenberg, advisor to four presidents, who fought mid-century sexism, racism, and extremism to help shape modern America.  +

The Money or The jag
Genre: Drama

In The Money or The Jag a correction officer and prison inmate battle for dominance and autonomy inside a prison controlled by the inmates.  +

Choice Neighborhood (working title)
Genre: Documentary

Choice Neighborhood focuses on the dynamics that emerge between people as a city leverages significant public and private dollars to transform a struggling neighborhood.  +

The Assistant
Genre: Drama

A Latin-American theatre assistant (a human-like robot) dreams of becoming an actress, but when her work conditions present her with an ugly reality, she must fight to escape from  +

Genre: Drama

After his dream restaurant fails, a world class chef returns home to start fresh, only to find himself being dragged into the dark criminal underbelly when he goes into business  +

Petit Beurre (working title)
Genre: Drama

Struggling with the transition into adulthood, a young Iranian- French-American woman escapes from the city and ventures to Cap Ferret where she reunites with her childhood  +

Take It Slow
Genre: Drama

An inexperienced bisexual man goes on a date with a younger gay man, and finds out that his preconceived notions on gay dating culture don’t stand up to reality.  +

Genre: Documentary

A talented group of orphaned children in Swaziland dive into their imaginations to create an original African tale about a girl on a dangerous quest.  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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