Featured Projects

Dear Anna Olson
Genre: Drama

Dear Anna Olson is a parable of how small, positive actions can have a profound impact on a person’s life.  +

Amy Lee, The Last Princess Of The Korean Empire
Genre: Documentary

Amy Lee, the last princess of the Korean Empire, lives a solitary life in New York, and speaks about the lives of the final Korean Royal Family and real value of freedom.  +

Heart of Lumber
Genre: Comedy

Raised by a cult of talking antique furniture, Sadie’s life changes the day she makes her first friend.  +

Jillian's Peak
Genre: Drama

Jillian an African American woman who is afraid of marrying a man. Because deep down inside she knows the truth that is a lesbian. She has been struggling with the truth for years  +

Genre: Documentary

QUEST is a portrait of an American Family living in North Philadelphia captured over the course of ten years.  +

To Live
Genre: Documentary

Spurred by her own desire to feel whole, a young filmmaker rushes against time to capture her grandmother’s life in a small village in Belarus when family secrets begin to  +

Genre: Drama

Trapped and alone, a young man must confront the pain he's endured when he finds himself face-to-face with consequence.  +

T-Fred: The Last Frog Hunter
Genre: Documentary

A real-life Boyhood meets Beasts of the Southern Wild. 14 years in the making.  +

I Am An African
Genre: Documentary

A documentary series exploring what it means to be African through the eyes of an African when they are noticed by the world.  +

Object of Affection
Genre: Drama

At his massive birthday party, a future Yale Law student pursues a fascinating freshman girl, but his innocent pursuit mutates into a savage ritual.  +

Mass Romantic
Genre: Documentary

When filmmakers and scholars race against time to save 20,000 Indian films from extinction, they reveal how culture is lost—and found—in the digital age.  +

An Unfinished Song
Genre: Documentary

Concerned with music, collective memory, and the shelf life of justice, this film is both a meditation on the soul of the Nueva Cancíon folk movement of 1960s Chile and  +

Genre: Documentary

Immerse is an online magazine designed to spark creative discussion of emerging nonfiction storytelling and dedicated to creating a more inculsive media landscape.  +

Genre: Drama

A fated mistake leads to a fleeting, chance encounter between a traveler and a reclusive New Yorker. When life takes them in opposite directions, each carries the significance of  +

Foster Care Film & Community Engagement Project (FCFCEP)
Genre: Documentary

Foster Care Film & Community Engagement Project tells the true-to-life stories of those with lived experience in the child welfare system.  +

Barrio Television
Genre: Documentary

“Barrio Television” reveals the untold story of a 1972 media caper, orchestrated by Puerto Rican activists who rebelled against media exclusion and occupied public television&  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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