Featured Projects

Shelter Me
Genre: Drama

A young woman fleeing a domestic abuse situation becomes ensnared in a homicide investigation that threatens both herself and a young child she has befriended.  +

Genre: Drama

A unique predicament erupts between best friends, one gay and one straight, as their deeply co-dependent relationship splinters when a woman comes between them.  +

To Live
Genre: Documentary

Spurred by her own desire to feel whole, a young filmmaker rushes against time to capture her grandmother’s life in a small village in Belarus when family secrets begin to  +

The Money or The jag
Genre: Drama

In The Money or The Jag a correction officer and prison inmate battle for dominance and autonomy inside a prison controlled by the inmates.  +

Take It Slow
Genre: Drama

An inexperienced bisexual man goes on a date with a younger gay man, and finds out that his preconceived notions on gay dating culture don’t stand up to reality.  +

Genre: Drama

Two unlikely childhood friends navigate their increasingly fragile and uncertain world as rumours of war and deportation loom over their lives and relationship.  +

Genre: Documentary

A documentary profiling John Payne, who created interactive works of lasting impact, transformed his town into an artist’s haven that now faces a complicated future.  +

Limping Towards Babylon
Genre: Comedy

Five graduate student roommates are all secretly in love with the wrong person, until a professor's theft lights the fire that ignites their contained passions.  +

Genre: Documentary

After being sent to prison at 18 for the rest of his life, Gerald Hankerson met Henry Grisby who raised him into the man he is today. Using the lessons Henry taught him, Gerald  +

Baltimore 100 Years
Genre: Documentary

The transformation of urban America over the last century reveals hard truths, and reasons for hope, through stories from the often misunderstood city of Baltimore.  +

This Little Land of Mines
Genre: Documentary

This Little Land of Mines reveals the inspiring resilience of the Lao people as they live among and work to clear 80 million unexploded American bombs from when the U.S. secretly  +

Woman in the Mirror
Genre: Documentary

A graduate of the prestigious Vaganova Academy and a driven ballerina of Jewish descent, who defected from the Soviet Union, toes her way from being a principal dancer of the Boston  +

The Assistant
Genre: Drama

A Latin-American theatre assistant (a human-like robot) dreams of becoming an actress, but when her work conditions present her with an ugly reality, she must fight to escape from  +

An Unruly Faith
Genre: Documentary

A young, devout activist challenges the male hierarchy of the Mormon Church by invigorating a movement to ordain women to the priesthood, and upon being exiled as a heretic, rocks  +

Genre: Drama

In the early 1990’s, three women — a refugee, a video jockey, and the daughter of a famous communist patriarch — form an unlikely friendship and alliance.  +

Genre: Documentary

At 89, director and choreographer Rhoda Levine seeks to understand her legacy and finds it lives on in the careers of those she has guided.  +

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