Featured Projects

Genre: Comedy

After being released from prison for vehicular manslaughter, a wrongfully imprisoned ex-con seeks revenge on the used car tycoon who sold him the faulty ride.  +

The Way Up
Genre: Documentary

Meet the real innovators. Follow low-income families and communities as they take power collectively, building real-world solutions to poverty in America.  +

Genre: Drama

When a dutiful woman from a socially conservative, religious family discovers that her child is questioning their gender, she must decide in a matter of moments what kind of mother  +

Yankee Restraint
Genre: Documentary

Consumed by years of mounting debt, Craig and Philip descend into addiction, depression and despair. With the veneer of their picture-perfect life now stripped away, the couple  +

Conversation with the Cosmos
Genre: Documentary

From the origin of spacetime to the Puerto Rican hills, come explore the invisible worlds of the Arecibo Observatory, the biggest radiotelescope on Earth.  +

Brought to Life: A Documentary about Colour Revolt
Genre: Documentary

A documentary examining Colour Revolt, indie rock’s best-kept secret, and the process of building a life from dreams that don’t go as planned.  +

The Money or The jag
Genre: Drama

In The Money or The Jag a correction officer and prison inmate battle for dominance and autonomy inside a prison controlled by the inmates.  +

"1 in 100"
Genre: Student Film

A documentary focusing on an overnight camp for children with congenital heart conditions and the soul, love, and community that shapes it.  +

Survival Turfs
Genre: Drama

Robert who wants to raise his family in a good environment in New York City, but he is continually threatened by a street gang, the Cougar Mountain Lions.(Formerly known as the  +

Visions in the Fire
Genre: Documentary

Alaskan Native glass artist Preston Singletary redefines what it means to be a contemporary Indigenous artist by blending Tlingit stories and iconography through the medium of glass  +

The Assistant
Genre: Drama

A Latin-American theatre assistant (a human-like robot) dreams of becoming an actress, but when her work conditions present her with an ugly reality, she must fight to escape from  +

The Animated Mind of Oliver Sacks
Genre: Documentary

The Animated Mind of Oliver Sacks is a journey into the mind and work of world-renowned neurologist and author Dr. Oliver Sacks, one of the most fascinating figures and  +

Dream Boy
Genre: Student Film

After a curious dream, a rosy-lensed yet romance-oblivious girl mistakenly takes an analytical approach in discovering the identity of her secret admirer.  +

Enjoy Your Visit
Genre: Drama

Kara starts a new job playing an enslaved maid at the historic home of America’s founding father and mother, George and Martha Washington, and uncovers some disturbing truths...  +

Busy Inside
Genre: Documentary

Professionally treating Dissociative Identity Disorder, a therapist juggles her own seventeen identities in this poetic and artistically offbeat exploration of a much-misunderstood  +

Two Gods
Genre: Documentary

Two Gods is the story of a man in Newark who, after turning his life around, has found meaning and purpose in his Muslim faith and work as a mortician.  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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