Featured Projects

Fracking the System: Colorado's Oil and Gas Wars
Genre: Documentary

A concerned mother joins grassroots activists to protect her son’s school from oil and gas drilling but the oil and gas industry fights back.  +

Genre: Comedy

6 sorority sisters, 5 who are of color, are passively aggressively made into roommates when they join a PWI house. Their longevity depends on whether or not they are able to get  +

Send a Voice
Genre: Documentary

A young Lakota mother fights to do the best she can for her children in this poetic meditation on motherhood, trauma, and healing.  +

Genre: Documentary

A groundbreaking point-of-view journey into a non-fluent speaker's world. 14 year old Emma challenges societal judgement surrounding autism... one keystroke at a time.  +

Genre: Horror

An obsessively tidy man battles the ghost who inhabits his new apartment for control of their shared home… and how it will be decorated.  +

Cradle of Champions
Genre: Documentary

Heroes, dreams, heartbreak, and redemption in the mosaic of 2015 urban America: the dramatic three-month urban odyssey of the New York Golden Gloves, the world’s largest,  +

Floating Daisies
Genre: Drama

As the anniversary of her sister's death approaches, Charlie is unexpectedly confronted by her estranged mother's sudden reappearance, igniting a turbulent journey of confronting  +

Genre: Drama

After his dream restaurant fails, a world class chef returns home to start fresh, only to find himself being dragged into the dark criminal underbelly when he goes into business  +

Genre: Drama

A fated mistake leads to a fleeting, chance encounter between a traveler and a reclusive New Yorker. When life takes them in opposite directions, each carries the significance of  +

Genre: Documentary

CHECKMATE (Formerly Corrupting the Earth) A documentary project on the geopolitical games of power play between Iran and the West and the innocent people caught in the crossfire.<  +

Genre: Documentary

In “Little Haiti” Brooklyn a teenager challenges the ‘Angry Black Woman’ trope through charged poetry that ignites a quest for intergenerational healing  +

Royal Secrets: Resort & Casino
Genre: Student Film

ULEE, a past his prime wannabe casanova, roams a Caribbean singles resort seeking one last shot at love.  +

Queer Youth: A Foster Care Story
Genre: Documentary

Queer Youth: A Foster Care Story is a documentary feature about LGBTQ+ foster youth and families, and how they fight for a better future.  +

Black Privilege. White Power.
Genre: Drama

After graduating high school, a young Smith College student joins up with an activist group to fight for civil rights in the Jim Crow era South and ends up taking part in one of  +

Choice Neighborhood (working title)
Genre: Documentary

Choice Neighborhood focuses on the dynamics that emerge between people as a city leverages significant public and private dollars to transform a struggling neighborhood.  +

Genre: Drama

Buried, a hybrid narrative and experimental film, explores the physical and surreal surrounding work burnout, stress and rage.  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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