Featured Projects

Petit Beurre (working title)
Genre: Drama

Struggling with the transition into adulthood, a young Iranian- French-American woman escapes from the city and ventures to Cap Ferret where she reunites with her childhood  +

Letters from Baghdad
Genre: Documentary

More influential than her colleague Lawrence of Arabia, Gertrude Bell was the most powerful woman in the British Empire, drawing the borders of Iraq, before disappearing from history.  +

Becoming a Man in 127 EASY Steps
Genre: Experimental

Becoming a Man in 127 EASY Steps is a filmed interpretation of Scott Turner Schofield’s transgender performance piece embodying the experience of becoming a man.  +

Woman in the Mirror
Genre: Documentary

A graduate of the prestigious Vaganova Academy and a driven ballerina of Jewish descent, who defected from the Soviet Union, toes her way from being a principal dancer of the Boston  +

Nia on Vacation
Genre: Drama

A depressed twenty-something receives a one-way ticket to freedom. Will she discover paradise, or is escape relative?  +

Genre: Drama

A unique predicament erupts between best friends, one gay and one straight, as their deeply co-dependent relationship splinters when a woman comes between them.  +

Genre: Drama

Buried, a hybrid narrative and experimental film, explores the physical and surreal surrounding work burnout, stress and rage.  +

Shelter Me
Genre: Drama

A young woman fleeing a domestic abuse situation becomes ensnared in a homicide investigation that threatens both herself and a young child she has befriended.  +

The Assistant
Genre: Drama

A Latin-American theatre assistant (a human-like robot) dreams of becoming an actress, but when her work conditions present her with an ugly reality, she must fight to escape from  +

The Money or The jag
Genre: Drama

In The Money or The Jag a correction officer and prison inmate battle for dominance and autonomy inside a prison controlled by the inmates.  +

Dear Anna Olson
Genre: Drama

Dear Anna Olson is a parable of how small, positive actions can have a profound impact on a person’s life.  +

Genre: Documentary

An immigrant worker continues to dedicate his life to horses and the sport of polo. Year after year, Mobles’ spirit and work ethic strengthens and enlightens his  +

I Am An African
Genre: Documentary

A documentary series exploring what it means to be African through the eyes of an African when they are noticed by the world.  +

Hawaiian Soul
Genre: Drama

Against the backdrop of the 1970s native rights movement, a young Hawaiian activist must gain the support of an agitated and skeptical group of community elders to aid in  +

Send a Voice
Genre: Documentary

A young Lakota mother fights to do the best she can for her children in this poetic meditation on motherhood, trauma, and healing.  +

Visions in the Fire
Genre: Documentary

Alaskan Native glass artist Preston Singletary redefines what it means to be a contemporary Indigenous artist by blending Tlingit stories and iconography through the medium of glass  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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