Seeking Meaning - One Trip At A Time

: Documentary
GENRE: Documentary
STATUS: Production


Feature length documentary film that highlights the growing number of US Veteran turning to psychedelic medicines to overcome symptoms of PTSD, TBI, Anxiety and Depression.  


44 veterans are taking their own lives EVERY day.

8x more have died by suicide on US soil than have died in combat since 9/11.  

Our nations finest are returning home scarred by traumas, given five days of integration and a job interview before being set adrift into civilian life. 

The ‘greatest country in the world’ is failing the same men and women who risk their lives for this country to be able to make that claim.

We have to do better.

We are clearly capable of designing the world’s most advanced weapons and training our soldiers to be incredibly effective fighting machines…Yet we can’t find a solution to support their mental health when they come home?

Or can we?

Roughly 70 years ago, scientists started researching the transformative effects of psychedelics on mental health and the early data showed truly stunning results.

Results that are hard to fathom compared to the marginal gains seen by the pharmaceutical and therapeutic modalities that make up our current metal health system.

But it was short lived, for not long after this groundbreaking work began it was all swept under the rug as a part of the war on drugs…to even research it was highly illegal.

Fast forward to today… there is a growing network of Veterans across this country who are sick of seeing their brothers and sisters in arms take their own lives, and instead are taking matters into their own hands.

They’ve begun helping each other heal through the use of plant medicines and are reporting truly transformative experiences.

For those willing to try these medicines they often find a new path forward…one they feel is worth living for.  One where they are able to learn to forgive, love themselves and those around them again.

And as a result, a growing contingency of veterans are finding renewed purpose and place to serve once again as they dedicate their lives advocating for the decriminalization of these medicines for the betterment of mental healthcare of ALL Americans. 

So why is this plant medicine illegal?

Why don't we trust the same men and women that we entrust to operate billions of dollars worth of machinery and weapons in the name of protecting us, spend a handful of hours exploring the depths of their own consciousness in order to heal?

If we did, how many lives could we save?

One trip at a time.


Our mission is to help our society heal.  

We aim to save lives and help individuals and families live better lives by destigmatizing the use of psychedelics in order to increase their acceptance in mainstream society as a viable mental health treatment.

Our goal is for these substances to be de-scheduled, legalized, and/or decriminalized on a national level so that they can be utilized (and funded) as a viable option for mental health treatment for all Americans, IN America.

While research is being funded, articles are being published and municipalities across the country are starting to decriminalize their use, their acceptance into the mainstream is far from near.   And we are acutely aware of the political headwinds facing this movement, specifically from the Alcohol and Tobacco and Pharmaceutical lobbyists that are going to do whatever they can to curb or delay Washington from acting.  

Because of these headwinds we believe it will take a majority of American's standing up and demanding these medicines be incorporated into our mental health system to see real change at a national level.  

And the only way to move the needle in a meaningful way is to get buy in and acceptance from a large swath of the American population, from the ground up.   

We need to move the conversation about psychedelics out of the l shadows of the left and into the light of mainstream society.   And we believe the only way to do that is to share relatable stories of everyday people, like our nations veterans,  in a way that will appeal to a more traditionally conservative audience.      

With Seeking Meaning, we are looking to pull at our audiences heartstrings by making this much more than an exploration of ceremonies or medicines.  Our goal is to place the human experience at its core, accentuating real-life stories, emotions, and struggles one encounters on their journey towards healing.

While scientific support and defining the modalities themselves play a vital role, they act as supporting elements, providing evidence and context to the narratives. 

By weaving these elements together, we believe we can bridge the chasm between the psychedelic experience and the audience, rendering a therapeutic journey that is accessible and relatable to mainstream Americans.  

If successful, we envision a future where veterans no longer have to spend $6,000 to fly oversees to seek these therapies.  We envision these treatments being fully integrated into VA mental health system.  We envision less lives lost and fewer families broken by tragedy.

Most importantly we envision a future filled with more compassion, empathy and understanding across our society…one trip at a time.


Chad Cooper - Director

The Peabody award winning Director at the helm of this project boasts a three decade career, rooted in the art of narrative storytelling. His journey began early, propelled by a passion for film and television production that led him to clinch a student academy award at the age of 24.

To support his young family, Chad channeled his storytelling prowess into crafting compelling, long-form digital narratives for brands through his brainchild, One Tree Forest Films. In the ever-evolving landscape of branded content, his unique ability to infuse empathy and depth into narratives became his trademark. This dedication to authenticity earned him the prestigious Peabody Award, an accolade that recognized his exceptional talent in capturing the essence of the human experience.

Throughout his career, Chad's innate talent to connect deeply with people has resulted in a tapestry of collaborations with influential personalities and renowned brands. This has uniquely prepared him to navigate the intricate terrain of mental health and psychedelics with unparalleled sensitivity and nuance, making him the ideal leader for a documentary as transformative as this one.

Abby Cooper - Executive Producer

Abby brings a unique blend of personal dedication and professional expertise to this film. With over 20 years of experience in digital media, brand strategy, communications, and marketing, Abby plays a vital role in ensuring that this film reaches its intended audience.

As the wife of Chad Cooper, Abby’s involvement goes beyond professional boundaries. Her unwavering support of Chad's journey as well as their journey together as a couple with psychedelics lend a deeply personal perspective to the documentary. Through her commitment, the film gains a compassionate touch, understanding the transformative power of psychedelics not just as a subject matter but as a catalyst for change within families.

In her professional capacity, Abby spent the first 15 years  of her career in media and communications helping some of the worlds largest brands transition their analogue practices into the digital age.  In 2016, Abby left her job as a Global Account Director at one of the worlds largest media agenies to join Chad as Executive Producer at One Tree Forest Films and has since overseen a number of successful collaborations including Chad's Peabody winning project, More than Mean, the Gatorade Player of the Year Program, and countless others.

Jeff Perlman - Director of Photography

Jeff Perlman is a seasoned DP in the world of non-fiction storytelling, boasting a career that spans over a decade. A graduate of Columbia College, Jeff's journey started with Chicago's premier documentary film production company, Kartemquin Films. From there, he has carved a path through the realms of documentary and journalistic filmmaking, capturing a myriad of narratives, ranging from hard-hitting social issues to captivating journalistic explorations. His work has graced prominent platforms such as Vice News, The Discovery Channel, The Wall Street Journal, PBS, ABC, Disney, and more.

Jeff also has an extensive career in politics, lending his visual expertise to multiple campaigns for the Democratic National Committee as well as the Obama and Clinton Foundations. Beyond his dedication to visual storytelling, Jeff Perlman is deeply committed to the power of human narratives. He recognizes the pivotal role that cinematography plays in amplifying and immortalizing these stories, bringing a unique blend of technical prowess and artistic sensitivity to every project.


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