Featured Projects

Genre: Drama

A Jewish real estate developer whose mother is diagnosed with Alzheimer's, learns a valuable lesson about faith as she tries to restore her mother’s memory.  +

Dear Anna Olson
Genre: Drama

Dear Anna Olson is a parable of how small, positive actions can have a profound impact on a person’s life.  +

Ayahuasca Diaries
Genre: Documentary

Ayahuasca Diaries, made with Amazonian tribes and contemporary scientists, is a film about an elixir transforming personal lives and world culture.  +

The Veto
Genre: Documentary

A film about the permanent member veto in the UN Security Council – arguably the most important issue facing global peace and security.  +

Heart of Lumber
Genre: Comedy

Raised by a cult of talking antique furniture, Sadie’s life changes the day she makes her first friend.  +

Obsessed with Light:The Genius of Loie Fuller
Genre: Documentary

How could one woman inspire the greatest thinkers and artists of her day such as Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and Auguste Rodin and, more than a century later, influence  +

Take It Slow
Genre: Drama

An inexperienced bisexual man goes on a date with a younger gay man, and finds out that his preconceived notions on gay dating culture don’t stand up to reality.  +

I Am An African
Genre: Documentary

A documentary series exploring what it means to be African through the eyes of an African when they are noticed by the world.  +

Genre: Documentary

In “Little Haiti” Brooklyn a teenager challenges the ‘Angry Black Woman’ trope through charged poetry that ignites a quest for intergenerational healing  +

Foster Care Film & Community Engagement Project (FCFCEP)
Genre: Documentary

Foster Care Film & Community Engagement Project tells the true-to-life stories of those with lived experience in the child welfare system.  +

Tattoo Mike: The Illustrated Man
Genre: Documentary

A young artist with a fatal medical condition comes to New York City to have his face tattooed so he can live the life of a carnival sideshow performer, years before a sideshow  +

Yankee Restraint
Genre: Documentary

Consumed by years of mounting debt, Craig and Philip descend into addiction, depression and despair. With the veneer of their picture-perfect life now stripped away, the couple  +

Genre: Experimental

Waves is a journey into the physiological effects of anxiety explored through magical realism.   +

Genre: Documentary

The untold story of Anna Rosenberg, advisor to four presidents, who fought mid-century sexism, racism, and extremism to help shape modern America.  +

That White Horse Will Take Me Away
Genre: Student Film

A young woman may be suffering from a manic episode, a man may have stolen something that did not belong to him, an act of violence may occur, everything is in disorder.  +

The American Can
Genre: Drama

Based on a true story in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, a disillusioned Marine veteran John Keller must confront his inner demons and a racial standoff, to save people trapped  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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