Featured Projects

Obsessed with Light:The Genius of Loie Fuller
Genre: Documentary

How could one woman inspire the greatest thinkers and artists of her day such as Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and Auguste Rodin and, more than a century later, influence  +

Forgotten Champions
Genre: Documentary

“Forgotten Champions” is the story of the 1981-1982 Rutgers Lady Knights basketball team which shocked the University of Texas Longhorns to win the final AIAW championship.


The Animated Mind of Oliver Sacks
Genre: Documentary

The Animated Mind of Oliver Sacks is a journey into the mind and work of world-renowned neurologist and author Dr. Oliver Sacks, one of the most fascinating figures and  +

That White Horse Will Take Me Away
Genre: Student Film

A young woman may be suffering from a manic episode, a man may have stolen something that did not belong to him, an act of violence may occur, everything is in disorder.  +

Genre: Experimental

Waves is a journey into the physiological effects of anxiety explored through magical realism.   +

Genre: Comedy

Intimates follows Roberta as she returns home to steal her high school girlfriend back from her brother.  +

Brought to Life: A Documentary about Colour Revolt
Genre: Documentary

A documentary examining Colour Revolt, indie rock’s best-kept secret, and the process of building a life from dreams that don’t go as planned.  +

The Slabs
Genre: Drama

Two homeless brothers brave the summer heat in their newfound home of Slab City and confront their painful past.  +

Singing Up the Past
Genre: Documentary

Holocaust survivor Guta Goldstein and the songs that have sustained her.Our fundraising goal is for post production and outreach. Please help Guta's incredible and timely  +

ARUKU ( I Walk )
Genre: Documentary

A soul-searching filmmaker documents chance encounters with fellow pilgrims who set out on a renowned Japanese pilgrimage extant since the 12th century.   +

The Veto
Genre: Documentary

A film about the permanent member veto in the UN Security Council – arguably the most important issue facing global peace and security.  +

Genre: Documentary

A two part film about the legacy of the Holocaust in the Balkans as seen through the eyes of a group of Sephardic Jews from New York with roots in Bulgaria and Greece.Part  +

Baltimore 100 Years
Genre: Documentary

The transformation of urban America over the last century reveals hard truths, and reasons for hope, through stories from the often misunderstood city of Baltimore.  +

Super Meditate Me
Genre: Documentary

Can meditation change the world? A skeptic sets out to test the ancient idea that the practice can lead to a radical transformation of consciousness.  +

Survival Turfs
Genre: Drama

Robert who wants to raise his family in a good environment in New York City, but he is continually threatened by a street gang, the Cougar Mountain Lions.(Formerly known as the  +

Genre: Drama

A rural rancher and his ailing husband, struggling against poverty and isolation, make a heartbreaking decision in order to preserve the dignity of their marriage.  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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