Featured Projects

Drop Dead City
Genre: Documentary

NYC, 1975 - the greatest, grittiest city in the world is minutes away from bankruptcy when an unlikely alliance of rookies, rivals, fixers and flexers finds common ground,  +

An Unruly Faith
Genre: Documentary

A young, devout activist challenges the male hierarchy of the Mormon Church by invigorating a movement to ordain women to the priesthood, and upon being exiled as a heretic, rocks  +

Man of the Year
Genre: Documentary

The country of Rwanda is celebrated as a beacon of hope in Africa, but this reputation obscures a sinister truth. Man of the Year is about the myth of Rwanda, and follows survivors  +

Floating Daisies
Genre: Drama

As the anniversary of her sister's death approaches, Charlie is unexpectedly confronted by her estranged mother's sudden reappearance, igniting a turbulent journey of confronting  +

Fracking the System: Colorado's Oil and Gas Wars
Genre: Documentary

A concerned mother joins grassroots activists to protect her son’s school from oil and gas drilling but the oil and gas industry fights back.  +

Genre: Documentary

CHECKMATE (Formerly Corrupting the Earth) A documentary project on the geopolitical games of power play between Iran and the West and the innocent people caught in the crossfire.<  +

Nourishing Japan
Genre: Documentary

A documentary about food education in Japan; about the people who teach us that our actions - even what we eat - matter.  +

Beauford Delaney: So Splendid A Journey
Genre: Documentary

An Artist’s Life, From Tennessee to Paris, through Harlem. Paranoia, poverty, sexual conflicts, voices in his head, yet he was driven to create great art.  +

Shelter Me
Genre: Drama

A young woman fleeing a domestic abuse situation becomes ensnared in a homicide investigation that threatens both herself and a young child she has befriended.  +

Limping Towards Babylon
Genre: Comedy

Five graduate student roommates are all secretly in love with the wrong person, until a professor's theft lights the fire that ignites their contained passions.  +

Genre: Documentary

DISPLACED is a neglected history of Lithuanian emigration and Russian oppression.  After WWII, many Eastern Europeans prepared to flee the Soviet Union with its expanding web  +

Dream Boy
Genre: Student Film

After a curious dream, a rosy-lensed yet romance-oblivious girl mistakenly takes an analytical approach in discovering the identity of her secret admirer.  +

Take It Slow
Genre: Drama

An inexperienced bisexual man goes on a date with a younger gay man, and finds out that his preconceived notions on gay dating culture don’t stand up to reality.  +

Genre: Experimental

Waves is a journey into the physiological effects of anxiety explored through magical realism.   +

This Little Land of Mines
Genre: Documentary

This Little Land of Mines reveals the inspiring resilience of the Lao people as they live among and work to clear 80 million unexploded American bombs from when the U.S. secretly  +

Cradle of Champions
Genre: Documentary

Heroes, dreams, heartbreak, and redemption in the mosaic of 2015 urban America: the dramatic three-month urban odyssey of the New York Golden Gloves, the world’s largest,  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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