Featured Projects

Man of the Year
Genre: Documentary

The country of Rwanda is celebrated as a beacon of hope in Africa, but this reputation obscures a sinister truth. Man of the Year is about the myth of Rwanda, and follows survivors  +

Genre: Documentary

GERMAINE JENKINS—urban farmer, activist, and a Black mother—is taking on the power structure in North Charleston, SC, to save her cooperative farm, Fresh Future Farm  +

Genre: Science Fiction

Bodegas is a sci-fi film, about sisters feuding over the future of their designer drug cartel, when a portal to an alternate universe is discovered.  +

Letters from Baghdad
Genre: Documentary

More influential than her colleague Lawrence of Arabia, Gertrude Bell was the most powerful woman in the British Empire, drawing the borders of Iraq, before disappearing from history.  +

To Live
Genre: Documentary

Spurred by her own desire to feel whole, a young filmmaker rushes against time to capture her grandmother’s life in a small village in Belarus when family secrets begin to  +

Genre: Horror

An obsessively tidy man battles the ghost who inhabits his new apartment for control of their shared home… and how it will be decorated.  +

Genre: Documentary

A two part film about the legacy of the Holocaust in the Balkans as seen through the eyes of a group of Sephardic Jews from New York with roots in Bulgaria and Greece.Part  +

Our Daughters
Genre: Documentary

For the sake of their twin daughters, an Indian adoptive mother and a white birth mother venture into uncharted territory with an open adoption, crossing racial and cultural lines.  +

Conversation with the Cosmos
Genre: Documentary

From the origin of spacetime to the Puerto Rican hills, come explore the invisible worlds of the Arecibo Observatory, the biggest radiotelescope on Earth.  +

Genre: Documentary

An immigrant worker continues to dedicate his life to horses and the sport of polo. Year after year, Mobles’ spirit and work ethic strengthens and enlightens his  +

Charlie Bee Company
Genre: Documentary

" Charlie Bee Company" is a show about a quirky bunch of Texas beekeepers who rescue killer, “africanized” honeybees from desperate and dangerous situations;  +

Genre: Documentary

A film about Philip Glass, Robert Wilson, Einstein on the Beach, and the connection between physics, opera, and human imagination.  +

Brought to Life: A Documentary about Colour Revolt
Genre: Documentary

A documentary examining Colour Revolt, indie rock’s best-kept secret, and the process of building a life from dreams that don’t go as planned.  +

Hawaiian Soul
Genre: Drama

Against the backdrop of the 1970s native rights movement, a young Hawaiian activist must gain the support of an agitated and skeptical group of community elders to aid in  +

Baltimore 100 Years
Genre: Documentary

The transformation of urban America over the last century reveals hard truths, and reasons for hope, through stories from the often misunderstood city of Baltimore.  +

Estamos Unidos
Genre: Documentary

Hundreds of Central American migrants form a “caravan” and must navigate the pains and joys of unity along an arduous journey across Mexico and towards the United States.  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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