Featured Projects

Dream Boy
Genre: Student Film

After a curious dream, a rosy-lensed yet romance-oblivious girl mistakenly takes an analytical approach in discovering the identity of her secret admirer.  +

Nia on Vacation
Genre: Drama

A depressed twenty-something receives a one-way ticket to freedom. Will she discover paradise, or is escape relative?  +

The Chemical Factory
Genre: Documentary

While reminiscing about childhood in 1980's Oregon, Andrew Leung faces cultural divide through the story of his mother's struggle in 1960's communist China.  +

Genre: Comedy

Intimates follows Roberta as she returns home to steal her high school girlfriend back from her brother.  +

Genre: Drama

Two unlikely childhood friends navigate their increasingly fragile and uncertain world as rumours of war and deportation loom over their lives and relationship.  +

The Dream of the Audience: Theresa Hak Kyung Cha
Genre: Documentary

The film is an intimate remembrance of the groundbreaking artist, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, who through her art practice guides her audience to a state beyond sorrow.   +

Genre: Documentary

A two part film about the legacy of the Holocaust in the Balkans as seen through the eyes of a group of Sephardic Jews from New York with roots in Bulgaria and Greece.Part  +

Object of Affection
Genre: Drama

At his massive birthday party, a future Yale Law student pursues a fascinating freshman girl, but his innocent pursuit mutates into a savage ritual.  +

Miss Mermaid
Genre: Drama

May travels from Taipei to New York and discovers a secret life her sister has been keeping from her and their distanced mother.  +

Women's World
Genre: Documentary

Bringing to life the legacy of San Francisco Chinatown’s nightclub era, a group of senior Chinese American dancers hit the road, bridging once isolated Chinese-speaking worlds.  +

Genre: Drama

When a dutiful woman from a socially conservative, religious family discovers that her child is questioning their gender, she must decide in a matter of moments what kind of mother  +

Charlie Bee Company
Genre: Documentary

" Charlie Bee Company" is a show about a quirky bunch of Texas beekeepers who rescue killer, “africanized” honeybees from desperate and dangerous situations;  +

Out of Breath
Genre: Documentary

A billion sufferers and only one treatment. Obstructive Sleep Apnea is the medical field’s forgotten disease. How and why did this happen?  +

Genre: Documentary

“The Janes” is the story of an underground network of women who banded together to provide safe, affordable and illegal abortions in the late 1960s and early 70s in  +

This Little Land of Mines
Genre: Documentary

This Little Land of Mines reveals the inspiring resilience of the Lao people as they live among and work to clear 80 million unexploded American bombs from when the U.S. secretly  +

Super Meditate Me
Genre: Documentary

Can meditation change the world? A skeptic sets out to test the ancient idea that the practice can lead to a radical transformation of consciousness.  +

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