Featured Projects

Genre: Documentary

A talented group of orphaned children in Swaziland dive into their imaginations to create an original African tale about a girl on a dangerous quest.  +

Cradle of Champions
Genre: Documentary

Heroes, dreams, heartbreak, and redemption in the mosaic of 2015 urban America: the dramatic three-month urban odyssey of the New York Golden Gloves, the world’s largest,  +

Salt in Soil
Genre: Student Film

A high-schooler reunites with her grandfather she never knew was alive, and the resurfacing of forgotten memories forces her to confront a dark family secret.  +

An Unfinished Song
Genre: Documentary

Concerned with music, collective memory, and the shelf life of justice, this film is both a meditation on the soul of the Nueva Cancíon folk movement of 1960s Chile and  +

Genre: Documentary

A groundbreaking point-of-view journey into a non-fluent speaker's world. 14 year old Emma challenges societal judgement surrounding autism... one keystroke at a time.  +

Heart of Lumber
Genre: Comedy

Raised by a cult of talking antique furniture, Sadie’s life changes the day she makes her first friend.  +

Genre: Science Fiction

A young physicist must navigate working at a teleportation tech startup, as well as survive the mysterious being from another world she has brought into our own.  +

God on the Street
Genre: Documentary

A headstrong woman interviews strangers in an attempt to prove that spirituality can be separate from religion. Instead, her subjects help her confront her addiction to unrequited  +

Two Gods
Genre: Documentary

Two Gods is the story of a man in Newark who, after turning his life around, has found meaning and purpose in his Muslim faith and work as a mortician.  +

Charlie Bee Company
Genre: Documentary

" Charlie Bee Company" is a show about a quirky bunch of Texas beekeepers who rescue killer, “africanized” honeybees from desperate and dangerous situations;  +

Genre: Documentary

An immigrant worker continues to dedicate his life to horses and the sport of polo. Year after year, Mobles’ spirit and work ethic strengthens and enlightens his  +

Lights Camera Uganda
Genre: Documentary

Uganda’s “Tarantino of the slums” Isaac Nabwana overcomes everything to build his action movie studio in the ghetto. Now he faces his biggest challenge yet.  +

Chocolate Milk
Genre: Documentary

Chocolate Milk is a food documentary that takes a detailed look at black motherhood, breastfeeding, and the multi-billion dollar business of feeding black babies.  +

Genre: Drama

Trapped and alone, a young man must confront the pain he's endured when he finds himself face-to-face with consequence.  +

Ayahuasca Diaries
Genre: Documentary

Ayahuasca Diaries, made with Amazonian tribes and contemporary scientists, is a film about an elixir transforming personal lives and world culture.  +

Tree Hunter: Portrait of an American Artist
Genre: Documentary

 Our film is a moving story of a tenacious American artist. Dennis Downes, whose life’s work has brought us a deeper understanding of our forgotten indigenous  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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