Featured Projects

Send a Voice
Genre: Documentary

A young Lakota mother fights to do the best she can for her children in this poetic meditation on motherhood, trauma, and healing.  +

Dream Boy
Genre: Student Film

After a curious dream, a rosy-lensed yet romance-oblivious girl mistakenly takes an analytical approach in discovering the identity of her secret admirer.  +

Genre: Documentary

A talented group of orphaned children in Swaziland dive into their imaginations to create an original African tale about a girl on a dangerous quest.  +

City of Songs
Genre: Documentary

A musician’s extraordinary journey to explore and understand the unique sounds of the world, one city at a time.  +

Charlie Bee Company
Genre: Documentary

" Charlie Bee Company" is a show about a quirky bunch of Texas beekeepers who rescue killer, “africanized” honeybees from desperate and dangerous situations;  +

Where the Boys Are
Genre: Drama

A lonely technician and curious night janitor at a virtual reality brothel circle around the facility and each other as they face the alienation of a world beginning to embrace  +

Genre: Drama

In the early 1990’s, three women — a refugee, a video jockey, and the daughter of a famous communist patriarch — form an unlikely friendship and alliance.  +

Domestic Bliss
Genre: Comedy

Two exes are locked in a hilarious battle for their former apartment, highlighting the economic pressure most tenants face today.  +

Lights Camera Uganda
Genre: Documentary

Uganda’s “Tarantino of the slums” Isaac Nabwana overcomes everything to build his action movie studio in the ghetto. Now he faces his biggest challenge yet.  +

The Dream of the Audience: Theresa Hak Kyung Cha
Genre: Documentary

The film is an intimate remembrance of the groundbreaking artist, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, who through her art practice guides her audience to a state beyond sorrow.   +

Genre: Comedy

6 sorority sisters, 5 who are of color, are passively aggressively made into roommates when they join a PWI house. Their longevity depends on whether or not they are able to get  +

Choice Neighborhood (working title)
Genre: Documentary

Choice Neighborhood focuses on the dynamics that emerge between people as a city leverages significant public and private dollars to transform a struggling neighborhood.  +

Salt in Soil
Genre: Student Film

A high-schooler reunites with her grandfather she never knew was alive, and the resurfacing of forgotten memories forces her to confront a dark family secret.  +

Summer with Roxanne
Genre: Documentary

A visiting Indian documentary filmmaker rents a room in the home of an aging paragon of Weird Austin. As Roxanne packs up to move on, she and Nishtha unpack the elements  +

School District
Genre: Documentary

Filmed fly-on-the-wall throughout the 2020-2021 academic year, School District chronicles Connecticut’s  +

Genre: Drama

Buried, a hybrid narrative and experimental film, explores the physical and surreal surrounding work burnout, stress and rage.  +

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The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding, developing and celebrating the people and projects that shape the future of story.

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